The Anarchic Kingdom enters Beta Testing

The time has come!
The Anarchic Kingdom is now feature complete, I've played through it myself a few times, and so now it's probably safe to unleash it on some other players. Being an old-fashioned type, I prefer closed beta testing with a trusted team to open beta testing. But I'm new to the scene and my trusted team is pretty small, so I'm going for a compromise.
I'm going to release beta test versions through my Discord server, which is open for anyone to join. Since I can see the membership, I can get a pretty good idea of who's taking an interest in the game. It also provides an easy way to get in touch with me, or for testers to discuss the game with each other.
I'm also making each beta test release time-limited, so that we don't end up with beta test versions floating around the internet forever. Each beta test version will be released on a weekend, and will stop working the following Sunday. You can cheat, of course, by setting your DOS system clock, but I think that having this expiry date will be enough to encourage people to seek out the release version if they happen to get hold of a beta file.
Since the game has been developed for the DOS Games Spring Jam 2021, I'm looking at 1-3 weeks of beta testing before full release, at which point the game will be added to Itch and to the Cyningstan DOS Games web site.
Get The Anarchic Kingdom
The Anarchic Kingdom
A battle among the barons
More posts
- Source Code Available for The Anarchic KingdomApr 04, 2022
- Inspirations behind The Anarchic KingdomMay 23, 2021
- The Anarchic Kingdom - a new game for DOS!May 22, 2021
- Some Gameplay ChangesMay 15, 2021
- An Update on the Beta TestingMay 08, 2021
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